Theme-based expressions
Theme-based expressions: countryside
Don’t beat about the bush and get straight to the point with Tim Bowen’s countryside themed expressions.
Theme-based expressions: music
It’s time to make a song and dance about Your English with these musically themed expressions.
Theme-based expressions: football
Keep your eye on the ball with Tim Bowen as he kicks off these theme-based expressions about the beautiful game.
Theme-based expressions: house and home
Tim Bowen rolls out the red carpet with these latest theme-based expressions about house and home.
Theme-based expressions: crime and punishment
Let Tim Bowen be your partner in crime with these handy themed-based expressions.
Theme-based expressions: school and education
Learn to read between the lines with Tim Bowen’s expressions from the world of school and education.
Theme-based expressions: sea and sailing
It’s all hands on deck as Tim Bowen attempts to help you sail through this set of theme-based expressions.
Theme-based expressions: travel
Head out on the open road with Tim Bowen as he introduces some travel-themed expressions.
Theme-based expressions: Shakespeare special
Tim Bowen gives us too much of a good thing this month, as we read to our heart’s content about Shakespearean language in this special edition of Your English.
Theme-based expressions: theatre
Suffering from stage fright? Don’t be upstaged as Tim Bowen is waiting in the wings to help with these theatrical theme-based expressions.
Theme-based expressions: UK Election special
Will Tim Bowen win votes for his election-themed Your English? Get to the polling station!
Theme-based expressions: weather
Despite being snowed under Tim Bowen still finds time to share some weather related idioms with you.