All Business / ESP articles – Page 22
B2 Business Vantage: Writing: Part 1
An article by Russell Whitehead about the Cambridge English B2 Business Vantage (formerly BEC Vantage) exam Writing component Part 1.
Unnatural selection
It's a dog-eat-dog world: Mark Powell makes the case for idiomatic evolution.
Business tasks: Experience
A lesson to help students talk about their work experience and what they have and haven’t done before.
Talking business
In this article taken from ENGLISH TEACHING professional magazine, Alex Case discusses the importance of teaching pronunciation to Business English students.
Recycling is the answer
Mark Powell helps speakers of business English to cut down on their emissions.
B2 Business Vantage: Reading: Part 1
An article by Russell Whitehead about the Cambridge English B2 Business Vantage exam reading component part 1.
Performance assessment
This lesson aims to present Human Resources (HR) vocabulary for performance assessment by means of a set of gap-fill articles.
Get a slimmer model
We expect the gossip columns to be filled with celebrity split-ups, but who’d have thought the ELT columns would be full of the same thing? No jilted supermodels in our case, of course. It’s the native-speaker model we’re ditching for a slimmer, sexier substitute. And her name is lingua franca.
Business skills bank: Preparing for a first meeting: Part 4
In this lesson, students carry out a second (and perfect) meeting in order to consolidate performance in leading and participating in meetings.
Global warming
A comprehensive lesson plan by Adrian Tennant on the topical issue of global warming. There are vocabulary and reading exercises and role cards to start a lively debate on the subject which is now firmly back on the agenda with recent weather events around the world.
ESP bank: Science: The scientific method of enquiry
Tony Cegielka presents a description of the standard process of enquiry employed in the scientific community. It refers to a range of disciplines with specific examples, outlining the stages of enquiry, showing the limits of applicability, and illustrating how it has an impact on our lives and society.
Business skills bank: Preparing for a first meeting: Part 1
A lesson exploring and reviewing good meetings practice and procedure through brainstorming sessions and interviews.
Business skills bank: Managing international meetings
Sara Helm introduces a new series on meetings skills with an article highlighting some of the challenges faced by participants in multinational and multilingual meetings.
Socializing in English
In this basic business skills lesson by Sara Helm, students use a modal verb wheel to create sentences and practise functional dialogues they can use in a social context.
English contracts
A lesson on drafting contracts which aims to help students set out expectations and objectives in a formal way.
ESP bank: Hospitality and tourism: Handling guest complaints in hotels
This lesson aims to equip students with the language they will need when transferring the skill of handling guest complaints effectively from their own language to English.
Business Skills Bank: Giving Presentations
This Business Skills lesson plan presents common features of presentations and practises useful language.
ESP bank: Hospitality and tourism: Talking about guest complaints in hotels
Through the use of an authentic interview with a hotel manager, this lesson aims to build up the vocabulary which is necessary to talk about guest complaints in hotels.