All British English articles – Page 22
Beyond: Knowledge: Maths and money
In this lesson, students learn about maths and pocket money.
Celebrations: Christmas shopping
Students learn about attitudes towards buying Christmas presents.
Global: December solstice
This infographic lesson looks at interesting facts about the December solstice.
Compass: Lesson 4: Expressing opinions
In this listening lesson, students are encouraged to express their opinions.
Business Spotlight: On the road again
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about business trips. Students will discuss their experience of going away for business.
Celebrations: Let's dance
In this lesson students will read about popular dances and learn to follow instructions.
Teaching tool
Lesson Share: Word games
This lesson by our Lesson Share competition winner, Jessica Killaspy will help your students practice their vocabulary and pronunciation.
Beyond: Arts and Media: Newspapers 2
In this lesson, students can create their own newspaper front page and write a news story.
Celebrations: St Andrew's Day
In this lesson, students do a quiz about St Andrew’s Day, identify pictures about Scotland, and write a radio advert encouraging tourists to visit Scotland.
Global: Mars: The red planet
This infographic lesson looks at interesting facts and figures about Mars.
Compass: Lesson 3: Eating habits
The third lesson of this new series from award-winning author Lizzie Pinard.
Business Spotlight: The container story
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about containers, shipping and the smooth transportation of goods worldwide.
Your English: Idioms: hold (verb)
These idioms hold the key to you holding your head high in Tim Bowen’s latest instalment of Your English.
Theme-based expressions: theatre
Suffering from stage fright? Don’t be upstaged as Tim Bowen is waiting in the wings to help with these theatrical theme-based expressions.
Words from other languages: Dutch
Tim Bowen is our skipper as we take a trek into English words borrowed from Dutch.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: drive
Driven to distraction by phrasal verbs? Let Tim Bowen show you what we’re driving at.
Your English: Idioms: hit (verb)
Tim Bowen hits the nail on the head with his latest collection of Your English idioms.
Celebrations: Cards for every occasion
Students talk about sending and receiving cards for special occasions and design their own.