All British English articles – Page 24
Business Spotlight: Moving up
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about promotions. Students will study an article that provides tips on how to win a promotion.
Your English: Word grammar: iron
Tim Bowen helps iron out any problems with his latest instalment of word grammar.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: drag
Don’t get dragged down by phrasal verbs. Tim Bowen is here to help out.
Your English: Collocations: key (adj)
Be a key player by discovering the key ingredients to learning collocations with Tim Bowen.
Your English: Idioms: gun
Tim Bowen comes out with all guns blazing with his latest set of idioms
Business Spotlight: Ecotourism
This lesson, which is based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about ecotourism and sustainable holidays.
Approaches used in Compass
In this article, Lizzie Pinard explains the theory behind the teaching approaches used in Compass and offers advice on how to use them effectively.
Welcome to Compass
Lizzie Pinard introduces a series of cultural lessons for adults at an upper intermediate level. This article provides information about the series and guidance on how to use the teacher’s notes.
Your English: Idioms: ground
It’s time to break new ground with another set of idioms from Tim Bowen
Your English: Word grammar: initial
Get over your initial reaction to grammar with these handy hints from Tim Bowen
Your English: Phrasal verbs: dig
Dig into the wonderful world of phrasal verbs with Tim Bowen’s latest Your English offering
Your English: Collocations: joke
Tim Bowen makes sure that the joke is not on you with these useful collocations.
Lesson Share: You can't visit me because ...
Joanna Naporowska wins the Lesson Share competition with this writing lesson designed to help students develop their creativity.
Beyond: Knowledge: Languages
In this two-part lesson, students will learn about the influence of English on global languages.
Global: Pay it forward
This infographic lesson looks at interesting facts about the philosophy of paying it forward and the good deeds suggested by people around the world on the UN World Humanitarian Day website.
A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 5
In Chapter 5, Holmes and Watson take the king to Briony Lodge to claim the photo at last. The king is shocked to learn that Mrs Adler is now Mrs Norton and seemingly no longer loves the king. But Holmes also has a shock. It turns out he has underestimated ...
Mingling activity: Irregular pasts
An individual and mingling activity to practise the irregular past simple.
A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, Holmes puts his plan into action, hoping to trick Mrs Adler.
Lesson Share: Weather conditions in different countries
Mike Furber wins the Lesson Share competition with this science-based activity.
Beyond: Arts and Media: Radio
In this lesson, students can create their own radio programme.