All Reference Material articles – Page 15
Lesson Share: Pets are not for eating!!
In her seventh diary entry, Willow Vanderbosch tries to get her students to grips with 'pets'.
Festivals: Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday marks the end of the 40 days of Lent. Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday are often referred to as the Easter Triduum - (Triduum is a Latin word meaning three). Easter Sunday marks the resurrection of Jesus. All three days are 'moveable feasts' meaning they do ...
Phrase of the week: to earmark
Tim Bowen sheds some light on the origins and definition of the term to earmark.
Lesson Share: It don't hurt much ma'am
In her second diary entry, Vicky Turner goes back to the American Wild West.
Students who don't want to write
An article discussing ways to overcome the problem of students who don't want to write.
Phrase of the week: to go to the dogs
Tim Bowen sheds some light on the origins and definition of the phrase to go to the dogs.
Lesson Share: Whatever doesn't kill you
In her nineth and final diary entry, Willow Vanderbosch writes about the downsides to her job and considers how it can be made better for the future.
Lesson Share: Exit diva stage right
In her final diary entry, Melissa briggs talks about her students as well as her plans for the future.
Teenagers: Songs: Discussion and presentation
Songs can be a good starting point for a discussion or a presentation.
Mixed-ability teens: Managing different speeds and energy levels
Understanding that students work at different speeds and energy levels.
Mixed-ability teens: Managing different learning styles
Understanding that students have different learning styles.
Teenagers: Writing: Dictogloss
An activity with a focus on communicating meaning and using correct grammar.
Mixed-ability teens: Graded dictation
Techniques for dealing with mixed ability students: graded dictation.
Methodology: using dictation in English language teaching
An article discussing the role of dictation in English language teaching.
Methodology: writing with linking devices: 'yet'
An article discussing the use of linking devices such as 'yet'
Professional development: reflective teaching
A discussion on ways to improve teaching through systematic inquiry.
Lesson Share: Desert islands
In her first diary entry, teacher Vicky Turner is pleased with her drawing skills as well as being surprised by students' pronunciation.
Phrasal verbs: Teaching phrasal verbs using equivalents and definitions
Many phrasal verbs can be said another way, and many learners of English tend to favour the non-phrasal verb equivalent. This often makes them sound formal. This lesson for intermediate-level students helps students learn – and practise – some phrasal verbs common in spoken English.
Festivals: Feast Day of the Redeemer: Festa del Redentore
Dating back to the late 1500s, this is one of the most important and spectacular religious festivals in Venice's calendar. In 1576 a plague killed approximately 50,000 people and a promise was made by the mayor to build a magnificent church - if the plague ended - to thank God ...