All Vocabulary articles – Page 26

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    Lesson Share: Integrated skills: It's written in the stars

    Dimitra Eleftheriou-Ernst wins the competition again with a colourful lesson that uses horoscopes to explore a galaxy of idioms.

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    Experiments: Water purifier

    In this experiment, pupils observe how dirty water can become clean using a few simple pieces of equipment. Students complete gap-fill exercises to practise related vocabulary and identify mistakes in a series of images relating to the experiment. Key vocabulary and practical teacher’s notes are included.

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    Line graphs: Science

    Keith Kelly looks at examples of the language of line graphs from the area of science, covering rich idiom, verb, noun, adjective and adverbial phrases.

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    Your English: Phrasal verbs: burst

    When was the last time you burst into tears? Or were bursting with pride? Tim Bowen investigates this versatile verb.

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    The Terror of Blue John Gap: Part 6

    Part 6 of this horror story concludes with Hardcastle finding himself face-to-face with the monster in the cave. In this final lesson, the students will: remember and retell the story so far; listen to the sixth part of the story and recount the main events; listen in detail to a ...

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    Line graphs: Geography

    Keith Kelly looks at examples of the language of line graphs from the area of geography, covering rich idiom, verb, noun, adjective and adverbial phrases.

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    Your English: Collocations: damage

    Tim Bowen reflects on the substantial damage sustained in riots as inspiration for some collocations.

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    Your English: Word grammar: off

    Are you ready for the off? Tim Bowen takes a closer look at the word that means far more than not on.

  • Photo of baby animals, e.g.:   lion cubs, puppies, etc.

    Top Trumps: Baby animals

    Baby animals is a cute, fun Top Trumps game for primary and lower secondary children learning English. Download the full pack of cards in our special cut-out-and-keep format now and take a look at FOUR accompanying lesson plans.

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    Hypothesis: Geography

    Keith Kelly looks at examples of the language of hypothesis, prediction and conditions from the area of geography, covering common structures and lexical phrases.

  • Photo of children conducting a science experiment.

    Experiments: Matchbox paddle boat

    In this experiment, pupils learn about the build-up of stored energy and its subsequent release by building a boat powered by an elastic band. Students complete gap-fill and matching exercises practising related vocabulary and the first conditional before placing a sequence of images relating to the experiment in the correct ...

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    The Terror of Blue John Gap: Part 5

    Part 5 of this horror story continues with Hardcastle’s mission to confront the monster himself, after the police dismissed his story. In this lesson, the students will: remember and retell the story so far; listen to the fifth part of the story and recount the main events; listen in detail ...

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    Lesson Share: Business: Workplace dilemma

    Mandeep Locham’s winning lesson is a modern, interactive method of practising the imperative and common phrasal verbs used in business.

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    Measuring: Science

    Keith Kelly looks at examples of the language of measuring in science, covering structures including adjectives and adverbs, nouns and word formation.

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    The Terror of Blue John Gap: Part 4

    Part 4 of this horror story continues with Hardcastle desperate to tell someone he trusts about his encounter with the monster. In this lesson, the students will: retell the story so far and predict what will happen next; listen to the fourth part of the story and answer comprehension questions; ...

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    Measuring: Geography

    Keith Kelly looks at examples of the language of measuring in geography, covering structures including adjectives and adverbs, nouns and word formation.

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    Your English: Collocations: secret

    Tim Bowen reveals a set of collocations that is equally dark, sinister and shocking!

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    Amazing world of food: Lesson 6: Food around the world

    In the sixth lesson of Carol Read’s Amazing world of food, children learn to recognize that people from different countries eat different food, identify and describe a typical dish from their country and understand basic issues related to world hunger. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student worksheets are included.

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    Experiments: How strong is that wind?

    In this experiment, pupils make a wind monitor from different weights of material. Students find illustrated objects in a wordsearch and understand the strengths of different winds before writing a report on the experiment. Key vocabulary and practical teacher’s notes are included.

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    Classification: Science

    Keith Kelly looks at examples of the language of classification from the area of science, covering structures such as verb phrases, noun phrases and linking phrases.