All Pre-Intermediate articles – Page 9
Teaching tool
Interactive Flashcards: Extreme Fun!
Help your students learn extreme sports vocabulary with these Interactive Flashcards.
Communicative Language Learning: Designing A New School Space
Get your students talking about school spaces and empower them through brainstorming about their learning space.
Teaching tool
Grammarman: Episode 8: Going to extremes
Help Grammarman, our correction-crusading hero, identify the extreme adjectives that describe his daredevil stunts.
Teaching tool
Interactive Flashcards: Happy Animals!
Take your students on a virtual visit to the zoo with this new set of Interactive Flashcards!
Teaching tool
Grammar Cards: Irregular Verbs in Past Participle
Help your students learn the past participle form of irregular verbs.
Skills for Problem Solving: Pre-Intermediate—Understand Your Learning Style
Help your students recognise what their learning style is.
Skills for Problem Solving: Intermediate—Respect Another Person’s Personal Space
Help your students respect other people’s need for personal space and to protect their own.
Teaching tool
Grammarman: Episode 7—Luthor Lexis
Help Grammarman, our correction-crusading hero, put the compound nouns back together.
Let’s Talk Business: 90-second product pitch
Get your students practising their speaking skills and Business English by pitching products.
Advancing Teaching: Autistic students in ESL Classroom
Learn how you can help autistic students thrive in your classroom.
Communicative Language Learning: Problems & Solutions
Get your students practising how to give advice or talk about problems.
Teaching tool
Grammarman: Episode 6—Crossed wires
Help Grammarman, our correction-crusading hero, unscramble Alpha-bot’s muddled sentences.
Teaching tool
Interactive Flashcards: Yummy Snacks!
Expand your students’ food & snacks vocabulary with this set of Interactive Flashcards.
Video Series: Let’s Talk About It!—Books
Teach new phrases and expressions while showing a video of different people talking about their favourite books.
Teaching tool
Interactive Flashcards: Having Fun
Expand your students’ fun-activity vocabulary with this set of Interactive Flashcards!
Skills for Problem Solving: Intermediate—Identify the Cause of an Argument
Help your students look at a problem from different angles, identify the cause, and suggest solutions.
Teaching tool
Grammar Cards: Regular Verbs in Past & Past Participle
Help your students learn the past & past participle forms of regular verbs.
Boost Your Vocabulary: Books & Stories
Help your students talk about their favourite books while using adjectives and prepositional phrases.
Skills for Problem Solving: Pre-Intermediate—Be Friendly to New Students
Help your students understand how to help new classmates adapt to a new environment.
Teaching tool
Game Cards: Fun in the Sun
Play with your students with this set of vocabulary game cards about having fun in spring.