Phrasal verbs – Page 5
Your English: Phrasal verbs: self-defence
Tim Bowen might have to fend off hordes of fans after brilliantly explaining the use of three phrasal verbs to do with self-defence.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: hack
You don't have to hack into Tim Bowen's computer to access his article on hack as a phrasal verb – it's available right here.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: speaking
Far from rambling on about boring matters, Tim Bowen presents a concise article on phrasal verbs meaning speaking at length. This is why we keep banging on about how great he is!
Your English: Phrasal verbs: a match report
Yet again, Tim Bowen notches up another fine Your English article. Here, we can lap up his football report on Fulham vs Juventus.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: slip
As it combines with so many prepositions, it's easy to slip up when using the verb slip. Tim Bowen helps you to effortlessly slip these phrasal verbs into conversations.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: sleep
Did you ever sleep over at a friend's house when you were a child? And do you intend to nod off in front of the TV when you're older? Tim Bowen dreams up a batch of phrasal verbs for all ages.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: scrape
Have you ever struggled to scrape together enough money to pay the bills? Or scraped through in a sports tournament? More phrasal verbs courtesy of Tim Bowen.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: shoot
Before you shoot off to teach your next class, read this batch of phrasal verbs by Tim Bowen.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: sit
We recommend that you sit up and take note of this article by Tim Bowen. You might learn something new!
Your English: Phrasal verbs: tear
Don’t tear your hair out over phrasal verbs. Tim Bowen is here to help!
Your English: Phrasal verbs: toss
Tim Bowen tosses around some more ideas to add to the Your English collection.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: wash
Feeling washed out? Tim Bowen’s article could be the perfect tonic …
Your English: Phrasal verbs: wear
The novelty of Tim Bowen’s Your English articles hasn’t worn off yet …
Your English: Phrasal verbs: knock
Tim Bowen knocks us out with his explanation of this entertaining phrasal verb.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: step
Tim Bowen steps forward to offer his explanation of how this versatile word can be used to form several different phrasal verbs.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: fall
Tim Bowen goes into some detail about the dire consequences of falling for his advice.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: pick
Tim Bowen picks out a few quirky examples of this sometimes suggestive phrasal verb.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: fight
Fight off the urge to give up on phrasal verbs as Tim Bowen gives you a hand with his latest Your English.
Your English: Phrasal verbs: football
Tim Bowen won't let us down with this selection of football-related phrasal verbs.
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