All Writing articles – Page 9
Shakespeare and Cervantes
A lesson plan with information-gap and matching exercises to introduce pupils to these great writers.
Literary appreciation
This is a lesson plan to help young learners acquire the basic skills they need to appreciate books: pupils classify books as fiction or non-fiction and identify the general contents of a book from its cover. Pupils put the lesson into practice through suggested follow-up activities for the classroom and ...
J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter
In this lesson plan, pupils discuss their favourite books and learn about this author and her hugely popular series.
Greek mythology
Which mythological Greek creature had the body of a horse and the head and torso of a man? Which had snakes for hair? Introduce young learners to the fascinating world of Greek mythology in this lesson plan. Pupils match descriptions to the correct character, and use their imagination to draw ...
Fantasy characters
Describing story characters is an important stage in the development of creative writing. In this worksheet, pupils match pictures and text descriptions to fairytale creature before writing their own description of a fantasy character.
In this lesson plan, pupils learn about how prehistoric people lived and what they ate.
The Weather And The Four Seasons
A lesson plan for pupils to use the present continuous to describe the weather and practise vocabulary for the months, the seasons and clothes.
People and their environment: Cities
This lesson plan teaches the main features of cities and the present simple tense.
Time zones around the world
This lesson plan has a challenging activity in which pupils label pictures of the Earth according to which parts are in sunlight at midday. They then examine a map and answer questions about different time zones in different parts of the USA. Includes step-by-step teacher guidance and project ideas.
Experiments: Keeping an ice cube alive
In this experiment, pupils try to prevent an ice cube from melting by insulating it. Students predict the outcome of the experiments and then record their results in a table. Gap-fill activities help students revise related vocabulary and question words. Key vocabulary and practical teacher’s notes are included.
Money and banks
Students examine different types of currency, examining the advantages and disadvantages of bartering for goods, ‘commodity money’ such as gold or salt and ‘fiat money’, such as coins and notes. They read about what services banks offer, why we use them and how they make money. Listening exercises focus on ...
Economic systems
The class is introduced to the notion of a ’traditional’ or ’subsistence’ economy, looking at its benefits and drawbacks. Students learn about the market economy, comparing free market economies to an actual street market. Listening exercises focus on pygmy societies, in particular the Mbuti tribe of central Africa, and Adam ...
This restless Earth
Show your students how volcanoes are formed while teaching key subject vocabulary such as magma, lava and crater.
Experiments: Magnetic pennies
A fun Science Museum experiment that gets students thinking about magnets and how they work. The step by step teaching notes and worksheets help teachers and pupils get the most from the experiment and develop language learning skills. The lesson culminates in an open-ended investigation. Key vocabulary and practical teacher’s ...
Experiments: Gas from garbage
This experiment is designed to demonstrate that biomass, especially when stored in warm, damp conditions, produces gas. Step by step teaching notes and worksheets help teachers and pupils get the most from the experiment and develop language learning skills. Pupils are guided through predicting the results and writing up the ...
Experiments: Energy Pairs
This simple experiment reinforces vocabulary and concepts associated with energy. Students match sentences halves to make statements on energy or ‘energy pairs’. Matching and gap-fill activities help students revise and consolidate concepts connected to energy, including renewable and non-renewable sources and how we use energy in our everyday lives. Students ...
Experiments: Follow the energy path
A simple but revealing experiment in which pupils measure and record the temperature of hot water as it cools down in two different containers: one metallic, one ceramic. Matching and word-order activities help students to revise relevant vocabulary. Students then write a report using the past tense. Key vocabulary and ...
Experiments: Ear gongs
In this experiment, pupils see how sounds travel much more effectively through materials such as metal and string than through air. Matching and gap-fill activities help students revise relevant vocabulary and verbs in the imperative. Students then complete a report using present and past tenses. Key vocabulary and practical teacher’s ...