This lesson plan teaches the main features of cities and the present simple tense.
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This lesson plan teaches the main features of cities and the present simple tense.
This worksheet includes three matching and labelling activities to teach useful verbs and nouns often used when talking about computers e.g. ’cut’, ’copy’, ’paste’, ’screen’, ’printer’, ’keyboard’, etc. as well as the symbols that represent them.
A lesson plan for pupils to use the present continuous to describe the weather and practise vocabulary for the months, the seasons and clothes.
A lesson plan with matching and true/false exercises to teach about the course of a river and review the present simple tense.
Talk with your young learners about the Amazon rainforest and Sahara desert ecosystems with this CLIL lesson.
Introduce your students to Silvia Alice Earle, famous for her underwater travels.
Students complete exercises on related vocabulary, sentence order and where to use the infinitive / gerund, and design a poster. Key vocabulary and practical teacher’s notes are included.
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