All Whole Class articles – Page 36
Global: World population day
This infographic lesson looks at interesting facts and figures about world population.
A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 3
In Chapter 3, Holmes recounts to Watson an eventful day spying on Irene Adler.
A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 2
In Chapter 2, Holmes agrees to help the King, whose past has come back to haunt him.
Beyond: Knowledge: Living in the past
In this two-part lesson, students will read about life in the year 1900.
A Scandal in Bohemia
In Chapter 1, Holmes receives a mysterious letter advising him of an imminent visitor.
Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapters 6 & 7
In the final chapters, Holmes visits Hope’s house and the scene of the crime.
Sherlock: The Second Stain
In the final chapters, Holmes visits Hope’s house and the scene of the crime.
Global: Dream, dream, dream ...
This infographic lesson looks at interesting facts and figures about dreams.
Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 5
In Chapter 5, Holmes solves a puzzle at the scene of the crime.
Beyond: Arts and Media: Performance Art
In this lesson, students can create and discuss their own musicals and street performances.
Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, Holmes has only one concern: to save Europe from war.
Tech Tasks: Collaborative presentations
Tom Walton shares his lesson where students collaborate and present in front of the class using Google Drive.
Global: Television
This Global infographic lesson looks at interesting facts and figures about changing trends in television since its inception.
Beyond: Knowledge: Discoveries and inventions
In this four-part lesson, students will test their memories / knowledge, read about scientific discoveries and inventions, invent something new, and complete a patent form for a new invention.
Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 3
In Chapter 3, Holmes still hopes to intercept the terrible letter, and he has a lead.
Sherlock: The Second Stain: Chapter 2
In Chapter 2, Bellinger is persuaded to disclose the contents of the missing letter.
Young Learner Festivals: Easter
Have fun with your Young Learners this Easter while they discover its history and learn new vocabulary through a colouring activity.
Global: World Water Day
This lesson and infographic focuses on interesting facts and figures about World Water Day on the 22nd of March.
Beyond: Arts and Media: Magazines
In this lesson, students can exchange celebrity gossip and create their own magazine.