A lesson plan by Lindsay Clandfield to highlight the metaphorical meanings of several words and expressions related to responsibility.
A lesson plan by Lindsay Clandfield to highlight the metaphorical meanings of several words and expressions related to responsibility.
A lesson plan by Lindsay Clandfield to highlight some of the metaphors in English that surround the treatment of diseases like AIDS and cancer.
Read about the suburb of Oosterwold, a creative urban agriculture project in the Netherlands.
Onestopenglish has teamed up with Macmillan Dictionary, the free English Dictionary and Thesaurus, to bring you a host of exciting features and practical classroom resources. Search the full Macmillan Dictionary database direct from any page on onestopenglish, or make use of the free BuzzWord lesson plans written by language experts ...
A short history of biology tracks the study of life through the ages, showing our fascination with the living world around us, from the ancient Egyptians to Charles Darwin’s theories and the study of DNA. The second reading text is a letter from a professor of biology, spelling out the ...
A lesson plan by Linsday Clandfield to highlight the metaphorical meanings of several words and phrases related to anger.
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