All Teenagers articles – Page 30
Impressions: Colours
What is your favourite colour? In this lesson, students practise different colours and learn about colour association.
Language for… visiting the doctor
In this lesson, students will learn the necessary vocabulary for visiting the doctor.
Lesson Share: Life experiences
Shirley Jones wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with a lesson to help students talk about life experiences.
Live from London: Halloween
Set in Kings Cross, London, this video includes interviews with Londoners talking about Halloween and things they find scary.
Language for… online shopping
In this lesson, students will learn essential expressions and vocabulary for online shopping.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 14
In this lesson, on the theme of out and about, students learn language related to timekeeping and making arrangements.
Everyday life: Meet the family
In this lesson, students discuss different things about their parents and family.
Global critical eye: Bolt from the blue
In this lesson, students learn expressions related to extreme weather.
Go Beyond: Arts and Media: Newspapers
In this lesson, students discuss newspapers and write a news story.
Impressions: How far would you go for fashion?
In this lesson, students design a tattoo and create a fashion.
Lesson Share: Emailing
Olya Sergeeva wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with a lesson designed to practise writing work-related emails.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 13
In this lesson, on the theme of home, students learn language related to the house and life at home.
Everyday life: Common cold
In this lesson, students will learn about ways to treat and prevent the common cold and will read a fact file about this illness.
Global critical eye: All the rage
In this lesson, students learn expressions related to fashion and youth culture.
Go Beyond: Knowledge: History
In this lesson, students discuss history in movies and write a fact sheet.
Impressions: How honest are you?
In this lesson, students discuss honesty and do a questionnaire.
Global critical eye: All in a day’s work
In this lesson, students learn about jobs and look at expressions related to work.
Absolute Beginners: Unit 12
In this lesson, on the theme of shopping: clothes, students learn language related to shopping and paying for clothes.