All Teenagers articles – Page 25
Everyday life: Melting pot
In this lesson, students categorize words about food and read an article about obesity.
Lesson Share: Story consequences
Rick Geake wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with five fun story-telling lessons.
IELTS: International English Language Test - a brief overview & exam orientation
A simple breakdown of the exam and what it entails for students.
Celebrations: Christmas songs
Get your students’ Christmas spirits up with this set of popular Christmas carols to sing in the classroom.
Lesson Share: Time expressions
Karolina Wyrzykowska wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with a fun game to practise time expressions.
Everyday life: Create a shopping mall
In this lesson, students design a shopping mall, design a shop and go shopping.
Celebrations: Thanksgiving
In this lesson, students will read about Thanksgiving in the USA and talk about things they are thankful for.
Lesson Share: Spanish omelette
Zara Chew wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with a lesson that practises countable and uncountable nouns.
Digital tool selection: Enable peer assessment
This lesson idea looks at how to encourage and enable peer assessment in your classes.
Celebrations: Day of the Dead
Discuss the Day of the Dead with your students, exploring its connection to family, life, and death.
Lesson Share: Fun with articles
Andrew Starck wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with a lesson that practises using definite and indefinite articles.
Everyday life: Sleeping habits
In this lesson, students match sleep words with their meanings.
Language for… hobbies
In this lesson, students will learn essential expressions and vocabulary to talk about their favourite hobbies.
Go Beyond: Arts and Media: Newspapers 2
In this lesson, students design a newspaper front page and write their own news story.
Top Trumps Emotis: Teens advanced
In this lesson for teens, students expand vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, and write and recite an imaginary online chat.
Top Trumps Emotis: Teens elementary
In this lesson for teens, students revise and expand vocabulary, practise speaking about feelings and play a negotiations game.
Lesson Share: Collocations with make and do
Emily Ballard wins this month’s Lesson Share competition with a lesson about learning collocations with the verbs make and do.
Cambridge English First: Listening: Part 4
This lesson aims to help students prepare for the multiple choice section of the exam.