All Future articles
Impressions (B1): The future in your hand
Do you believe in fortune tellers? In this lesson, students will read a partner’s palm and predict their future.
World trip: going to
Students take part in a pairwork and mingling travel game to practise using going to.
Imagine: Future perfect
Students write predictions about their partner. They use language such as ‘In ten year’s time’, ‘By this time tomorrow’ and ‘By 2050’ in order to practise the future perfect.
Lesson Share: Talking about the future
Jessica Rundell wins the lesson share competition with a lesson on future forms and how to choose the right one in conversation.
Holiday game: Future of can/can't
An activity where students receive an exciting holiday and must list all the things they will and won’t be able to do on their given holiday practising the future of can and can’t.
Mingling activity: Future continuous
A whole-class mingling activity at intermediate level to practise will be + -ing.
Experiments: Build a sail-car of the future
In this experiment, students make a sail-car and learn how to harness the energy from the wind to power it. The accompanying activities practise the first and second conditional and modals of prediction. Students then design their own car of the future and talk about it using the future tense. ...
Lesson Share: Grammar: The future's bright
Gráine Lavin wins the Lesson Share competition with this fun lesson about making predictions for students to practise using will for the future.
This may be your life
An American English worksheet to ask and answer questions in a survey about your life in the future.
Are you a learner of the future?
Students talk about possible future developments in education and decide whether or not they are already a ‘learner of the future’.
Past and future
A British English worksheet to separate the conversations and put them in an appropriate order.
Elementary: What's Jennifer going to do?
An American English worksheet to practice using the future with going to.
Life's big moments
An American English worksheet to recycle the present simple, past simple and future with going to.
ESOL beginner lessons: will and going to
This lesson aims to help students understand the difference between the constructions will and going to.
Modal verbs 6
A British English worksheet to complete activities by deciding on the correct modal verbs referring to the present and future.