All Food articles – Page 3
Live from London: Common Cold
This video includes interviews with Londoners talking about being ill.
Live from London: New Year’s Eve
How do Londoners celebrate the New Year? Check out this special edition of our Live from London video lessons.
Live from London: Halloween
Set in Kings Cross, London, this video includes interviews with Londoners talking about Halloween and things they find scary.
Live from London: How well do you know each other?
This video lesson includes interviews with Londoners talking to their friends about how well they know each other.
Live from London: What Do You Love?
In this instalment of the Live from London series, Londoners talk about people and things they love.
Live from London: Double identity
This video lesson includes interviews with Londoners talking about alternative lives.
Live from London: First impressions
Set in Brixton, London, this video lesson includes authentic interviews with Londoners, talking about first impressions.
Compass: Lesson 4: Expressing opinions
In this listening lesson, students are encouraged to express their opinions.
Compass: Lesson 3: Eating habits
The third lesson of this new series from award-winning author Lizzie Pinard.
Matura: Speaking: Nutrition and Health
A speaking lesson to prepare students to talk about eating habits and healthy food.
Beyond on onestopenglish
Your teenage students will love using this fantastic series of British English lessons prepared by Karen Kovacs.
Live from London: The monarchy
In the weeks leading up to Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, onestopenglish’s reporters took a trip to St James’s Park, in the shadow of Buckingham Palace, to ask locals and tourists for their opinion on the British royal family.
Amazing world of food: Lesson 6: Food around the world
In the sixth lesson of Carol Read’s Amazing world of food, children learn to recognize that people from different countries eat different food, identify and describe a typical dish from their country and understand basic issues related to world hunger. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student worksheets are included.
CLIL Science: Health & Nutrition
Check out this engaging Question Loop activity about health and nutrition.
Amazing world of food: Lesson 5: Processed food
In the fifth lesson of Carol Read’s Amazing world of food, children learn to recognize the differences between natural and processed food, identify processed food that is good and bad for you and design a flow chart to show how food is processed. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student worksheets are ...
Amazing world of food: Lesson 4: Our sense of taste
In the fourth lesson of Carol Read’s Amazing world of food, children learn to understand the role of taste buds, identify four basic tastes and relate them to different parts of our tongue, and carry out a tasting experiment. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student worksheets are included.
Amazing world of food: Lesson 3: Fruit and vegetables
In the third lesson of Carol Read’s Amazing world of food, children learn to identify and describe different types of fruit based on climate and parts of plants where vegetables are from. They then design a leaflet to promote eating fruit and vegetables. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student worksheets are ...
Amazing world of food: Lesson 2: The food pyramid
In the second lesson of Carol Read’s Amazing world of food, children learn to identify and describe food groups and what you need to eat to have a healthy, balanced diet, recognize and understand the role of nutrients in food, and plan a healthy picnic. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student ...
Amazing World of Food
These lessons by Carol Read will build your Young Learners’ language skills while they explore the world of food.
Amazing World of Food: Lesson 1 - Where food comes from
In this lesson, children identify food imported from other countries and describe where it comes from and how far it travels to get there.