All Business / ESP articles – Page 7
A reading and speaking activity to simulate a negotiation between a clothes designer and a chain of shops.
Management tips
A reading and speaking activity to discuss some tips for effective management and give brief presentations to the rest of the class.
Late payment
A reading and speaking activity to act out a meeting between a creditor and a late payer.
Identifying products
A reading and speaking activity to put a set of sentences describing processes, specifications and functions into categories and guess the products and services they refer to.
Lesson Share: Henry Ford
A gap-fill activity to exchange information about the life of Henry Ford and to complete a text by asking questions.
Haunted house ltd
A speaking activity to create a proposal for a theme park based around a haunted house and to give a presentation.
Dress codes
A jigsaw reading and speaking activity to put a set of sentences in order so as to make a story, and to then discuss dress codes at work.
Corporate image
A groupwork reading and speaking activity to identify six companies or products from six facts about each one.
Corporate culture
A reading and speaking activity to discuss four archetypes of company culture and compare them to the students’ company/ies.
A past tense speaking activity in which two people confront each other about problems.