All Advanced articles – Page 8
Celebrations: Coming Of Age
In this lesson, available at two levels, students read and discuss four short texts about four different coming-of-age celebrations worldwide.
Everyday life: Getting to work
In this lesson, available at two levels, students ask and answer questions about their journey to work.
Everyday life: Minor illnesses
In this lesson, available at two levels, students review vocabulary related to illness, injury and treatment.
Lesson Share: Improv storytelling
Christian Spiteri wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson to improve confidence in telling stories.
Business Spotlight: Manna from heaven?
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about quantitative easing (QE) and what effects it could or might have on individuals and industry.
Celebrations: Groundhog Day
In this lesson, students read a text about the American celebration of Groundhog Day, looking at the language involved.
Everyday life: Exercise
In this lesson, available at two levels, students review language vocabulary related to exercise and fitness.
Everyday life: Typical dishes
In this lesson, available at two levels, students review language for describing food and food preferences.
Celebrations: Kwanzaa
In this lesson, students learn about celebrating Kwanzaa, its principles, and symbols.
Lesson Share: Communication skills for presentations
Melinda Gamlen wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson for practising non-verbal communication and sentence stress in presentations.
Everyday life: Fake news
In this lesson, available at two levels, students will share their attitudes and opinions on fake news.
Business Spotlight: Communication to arrange communication is now normal
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about how our ways of communicating have changed over the past few years, as a result of electronic communication.
Everyday life: Superstitions
Are you superstitious? Talk about it with your students using this lesson available at two levels.
Celebrations: Diwali
In this lesson, students will learn about the festival of Diwali and design an informational poster.
Everyday life: Star signs
In this lesson, offered at two levels, students will discuss personality traits in the context of star signs.
Celebrations: New baby
In this lesson, offered at two levels, students learn about messages of celebration on the birth of a baby.
Celebrations: Wedding anniversaries
In this lesson, offered at two levels, students read about and discuss wedding anniversaries.
Business Spotlight: Good for business
This lesson, based on an article from Business Spotlight, is about diversity at work.
Lesson Share: Mingle activities: Important dates
An activity where students describe important dates in their lives.