All teenagers articles – Page 5
Impressions (B2): Famous UK fashions
Are you following the latest fashions and trends? In this lesson, students will identify fashions from the past and write about a recent fashion.
Film and TV: Sitcoms
In this lesson, students practise speaking about comedy TV and using adjectives of personality.
Film and TV: Medical TV series
In this lesson, students practise talking about medical issues and watch video clips from two UK-based TV shows.
Impressions (A1): Dress David
Do you know the Statue of David? In this lesson, students read about it and identify and describe the clothes to dress this famous figure.
Film and TV: Documentaries for kids
In this lesson for young learners, students focus on vocabulary and speaking related to jobs and ambitions.
Film and TV: Animated films
In this lesson for young learners, students focus on vocabulary and speaking related to animals and talking about feelings.
Film and TV: Science TV series
In this lesson for young learners, students focus on vocabulary and speaking related to science and measurements.
Film and TV: Cookery TV series
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about food and cooking.
Film and TV: YouTube stars
In this festive lesson for young learners, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about famous vloggers.
Film and TV: Home makeover series
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about home makeover TV series.
Film and TV: Game shows
In this lesson for young learners, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about game shows.
Film and TV: Thrillers
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about thrillers.
Everyday life: Online shops
In this lesson, students discuss online shopping and create shopping lists.
Celebrations: Christmas songs
Get your students’ Christmas spirits up with this set of popular Christmas carols to sing in the classroom.
Celebrations: Thanksgiving
In this lesson, students will read about Thanksgiving in the USA and talk about things they are thankful for.
Celebrations: Day of the Dead
Discuss the Day of the Dead with your students, exploring its connection to family, life, and death.
Film and TV: Comedy movies
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about comedy movies.
Film and TV: Reality TV
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about reality TV.
Film and TV: Horror movies
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about horror movies.
Film and TV: Fantasy series
In this lesson, students practise speaking, listening and using new language about fantasy series.