All Teenagers articles – Page 14
Career Readiness: B1+ Services
Would you rather read the news on paper or online? Read about the development of newspaper services in India.
Global Citizens: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify what it is to be a global citizen through specific examples.
Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Secondary (B1): Multifaceted Personalities
Help your students recognize multifaceted personal identities, including national and global ones.
Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Secondary (B1): Power Relationships
Help your students identify power relationships and different forms of power.
Empathy: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students show empathy with another’s perspective of the world.
Career Readiness: B1 Business
Take a look at refill stores and learn more about how sustainable businesses can help the environment.
A Healthy Diet: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize healthy living as a balance of diet and exercise.
Perpetuating Views of the World: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify personal responsibility for perpetuating certain views of the world and critically examine these.
Interdependence of Nations: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify the interdependence of nations.
Connections Among Nations: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify the interdependence of nations.
What Is Culture?: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students describe what culture is and what it means.
Questioning Priorities: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students question social or governmental priorities and articulate thier personal viewpoint.
Controversial Topics: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify their own viewpoint with regards to a controversial topic.
Positive Action: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify and take positive action in their communities.
Societal and Governmental Priorities: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize that societal and governmental priorities exist and that they can be questioned.
Vocabulary Builders: Getting the hang of get, go and take
Boost your students’ vocabulary with expressions using three of the most commonly used English verbs: get, go and take.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Collaborative writing tools
Students learn how to create their own collaborative written projects to share with the class.
Digital Skills for Teens: Upper Intermediate—Infographics
Students learn about infographics and how to create them online to share with the class.
Digital Skills for Teens: Intermediate—Digital timelines
Students learn about digital timelines and create their own to share information with others.
Digital Skills for Teens: Pre-Intermediate—Digital Cartoons
Help your students discover how to create digital and animated cartoons to share with the class.