Spring 2009 sees the publication of a new electronic book on CLIL from the University of Maastricht. The focus of the book is on the practice of content and language integration in the higher education classroom setting.
Contributions are invited that address the following issues:
* The implementation in practice of theoretical considerations of content and language integration
Integrated course design in actual practice
* The practice of developing content competencies through the medium of second language instruction
* The practical implications of content teaching for second language development
* The practical implications of second language instruction on the nature of content learned
Contributions on similar themes are also welcome. In particular, contributions that discuss research projects in the relevant area are most welcome. In addition, discussion of programmes or courses where more than one language is involved or where the instructional language is not English are especially invited. Contributions should also include recommendations for practice and for research.
If you wish to contribute, please send a short description (about half an A4 page, note form if you wish) to Bob Wilkinson, Maastricht University Language Centre. Email: b.wilkinson@languages.unimaas.nl
Please send contributions by 25 January 2009.
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