All Pair Work articles – Page 13
A Matter of Opinion: Adult (B1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students critically examine opinions on a controversial issue, including their own.
World Organizations: Adult (B1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students evaluate critical perspectives of global organizations and institutions.
Depending on Each Other: Adult (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students examine the interdependence of nations.
Societal and Governmental Priorities: Adult (B1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify societal and governmental priorities in their own community.
Am I Complicit?: Adult (B1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify and address personal complicity in negative global outcomes.
Teaching tool
Game Cards: Halloween & Fantasy Creatures
Get your students ready to have fun this Halloween with this spooky set of Game Cards.
Advancing Teaching: Social and Emotional Learning
Learn about Social Emotional and Learning and how to incorporate it into an ESL classroom.
UN Ideals: Secondary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students demonstrate understanding of the UN and some of its ideals.
Responsibility for Health: Secondary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify personal responsibility for health in their community.
Global Institutions: Secondary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students evaluate critical perspectives of global institutions.
Global Cultures: Secondary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize different perspectives from a variety of global cultures.
Controversial Issues: Secondary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students critically examine opinions on a controversial issue, including their own.
Personal Complicity: Secondary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify personal complicity in negative outcomes, both interpersonal and global.
Career Readiness (A1): Science—The Energy of a Small Town
The reading describes how a small town in Texas uses 100% clean energy.
Global Citizens: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify what it is to be a global citizen through specific examples.
Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Secondary (B1): Multifaceted Personalities
Help your students recognize multifaceted personal identities, including national and global ones.
Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Secondary (B1): Power Relationships
Help your students identify power relationships and different forms of power.
Perpetuating Views of the World: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify personal responsibility for perpetuating certain views of the world and critically examine these.
Interdependence of Nations: Secondary (B1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify the interdependence of nations.
Connections Among Nations: Secondary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify the interdependence of nations.