Nicky Hockly and Gavin Dudeney
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Mobile English: Our school
Students combine all of the technologies and tools learned in the previous five activities into a longer project, allowing them to use their creativity to produce a polished final product.
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Mobile English: Secret instructions
Students use mobile phones or voice recorders to deliver instructions that include phrasal verbs/verb + particles.
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Mobile English: Digital word banks
Students create individual or class image banks to record the vocabulary they study in class.
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Mobile English: Mobile phone dictation
A short activity that can be used as a warmer or filler to review language that has already been covered in class. Any model of mobile phone can be used for this activity.
- Warmer/Filler
Mobile English: Ideal phone
Have your elementary-level students use their imagination and design their ideal phone.
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Mobile English
As an accompaniment to their Mobile English series, Nicky Hockly and Gavin Dudeney provide an informative overview of mobile and hand-held learning.