All Elementary articles – Page 14
I Think, You Think: Primary (A2)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students compare and contrast their own opinion to that of others.
Let’s Agree to Disagree: Primary (A2+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify and contrast opposing opinions on an issue, including their own.
Take Positive Action: Primary (A2+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students take positive action in their community.
Who Am I?: Primary (A2+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize and compare different identities.
Fact or Opinion?: Primary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize the difference between a fact and an opinion.
We’re the Same, We’re Different: Primary (PreA1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify distinguishing features of a variety of global cultures.
Student and Teacher Roles: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students identify and understand the roles of the student and the teacher.
All Actions Have Outcomes: Primary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize the difference between action and outcome and classify these as positive and negative.
Kindness and Respect in the Community: Primary (A1+)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students engage with different profiles of global citizens.
Where Are You From?: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize different nationalities.
Be Considerate: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students learn how to behave in a considerate and respectful way in their community.
My Behavior Affects Others: Primary (A1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students recognize how their personal behavior can have a positive impact on others.
Healthy Choices: Primary (PreA1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students engage with ideas about healthy living through diet.
ESDC Primary (A1): Schools Around the World
Have your students compare their schools to others to help them recognize different perspectives from various global cultures.
Be Fit, Be Active: Primary (PreA1)—Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship Programme
This lesson can help your students engage with ideas about healthy living through exercise.
Advancing Teaching: Global Citizenship Education Tips
Learn practical tips on how to incorporate Global Citizenship Education into your English lessons.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Digital image-editing tools
Students read about different digital image-editing tools and what they can do with them.
Advancing Teaching: Global Citizenship Education
Learn about the fundamental ideas behind Global Citizenship Education and its importance in a modern ELT classroom.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Online polls
Students read about different types of polls and what they are used for.
Advancing Teaching: Visible Thinking Routines
Learn about the best ways to create routines that make the thinking process intentional.