Collocations – Page 4
Your English: Collocations: lose
Tim Bowen urges you not to lose sleep over the collocates of the verb to lose.
Your English: Collocations: return
Here, Tim Bowen returns with some key information on the collocates of the word return.
Your English: Collocations: play
Tim Bowen's articles play a vital role in jazzing up any study of idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs or word grammar.
Your English: Collocations: pull
Tim Bowen pulls out all the stops with his description of the collocates of the verb to pull.
Your English: Collocations: keep
Without fail, Tim Bowen continues to keep us on the edge of our seats, providing us with fabulous articles no matter what the weather. As the saying goes, you can't keep a good man down!
Your English: Collocations: launch
Here, Tim Bowen launches into an avid description of the collocates of this particularly power-packed word.
Your English: Collocations: cause
Tim Bowen causes a stir with collocates of the verb to cause.
Your English: Collocations: raise
Tim Bowen discusses the wide range of collocations the verb to raise can form.
Your English: Collocations: honour (n)
It’s a huge honour for us to share Tim Bowen’s take on this honourable word.
Your English: Collocations: hoax
It’s no hoax, Tim Bowen’s back with another look at these handy collocations!
Your English: Collocations: favour
Do you need a favour? Tim Bowen does us a special favour in explaining some collocations.
Your English: Collocations: climate
How are you coping in the current economic climate? Tim Bowen is here to help with a shower of collocations.
Your English: Collocations: key (adj)
Be a key player by discovering the key ingredients to learning collocations with Tim Bowen.
Your English: Collocations: inflation
Keep up with rising inflation with Tim Bowen’s useful guide to collocations.
Your English: Collocations: implement (verb)
Time to implement new policies? Let Tim Bowen show you how it’s done.
Your English: Collocations: illusion
Don’t labour under false illusions – let Tim Bowen set you straight.
Your English: Collocations: humour
In need of a laugh? Tim Bowen shows his funny side with this set of humorous collocations.
Your English: Collocations: hospitality
Is your hospitality generous, gracious or lavish? Tim Bowen looks at the collocates of this friendly word.
Your English: Collocations: footing
Are we all on an equal footing when it comes to collocations? Here’s Tim Bowen with his feet firmly on the ground.
Your English: Collocations: fog
Have you ever been caught in dense fog? Tim Bowen gets meteorological.