All business english articles
Elementary Business: Car Industry Partnerships
Can companies benefit from partnering with others instead of trying to compete?
Elementary Business: Employee Well-being
Many companies are taking new measures that focus on employee well-being, but is it enough?
Elementary Business: Empowering Refugees
Read with your elementary-level students about a social enterprise that gives refugee women the skills to succeed in the workplace.
Elementary Business: Dealing with Difficult Conversations
What is the best strategy to deal with difficult conversations in the workplace? Discuss this topic with your elementary-level students.
Elementary Business: Hire Diversity, Earn Talent
Do senior employees face discrimination in the workplace? Discuss this topic with your elementary-level students.
Elementary Business: Family Leave for All Parents
Should both parents be able to take family leave to take care of their children? Discuss this topic with your elementary-level students.
Elementary Business: Trees for sale!
It’s time to invest in nature. Could the sale of trees save our natural resources?
Elementary Business: Women at work—a constant struggle for gender equality
Are we close to ending inequality in the business world?
Career Readiness (A1): Business—One Day at a Time
This text describes the daily routine of a Human Resources employee.
Career Readiness (A1): Business—Love What You Do
This text talks about starting your own business based on something you love to do.
Career Readiness (A1): Services—From Village to Village
This text talks about how women in northern India earn money by transporting luggage between villages.
Career Readiness (A1): Services—We Aim to Please
The reading lists ways a hotel manager makes sure the guests are happy.
Career Readiness (A1): Science—Friends or "Friends"?
The reading explains why social media should be used carefully.
Career Readiness (A1): Science—The Energy of a Small Town
The reading describes how a small town in Texas uses 100% clean energy.
Career Readiness: A1
These materials will help your elementary young-adult students improve their English while exploring the professional world.
English for HR Management: Performance appraisal
Students are introduced to the topic of performance appraisals in this instalment of David Baker’s HR management series.